Holding her emotions inside her heart..
She had filled herself with dirt..
Her hands were shivering..
Her legs were quivering..

She could look into his eyes..
Which questioned her lies..
He held her tight..
But why she denied his sight??

Her soul was calling him..
But still she put her eyes dim..
He couldn’t find his answer..
And never told him about her cancer..

She wanted him to stay with her..
But she was compelled to slur..
Her eyes peeped him like her moon..
But she knew her end is coming soon..

Once he came with his anger..
And started asking for his answer..
As she opened her mouth for a while..
The life suddenly closed her file..

Published by: Mistella

It's not just about one person because both of us have thought to try our luck in this field.. Both of us are students. Though from different streams, we are here to present ourselves together with our stuffs and learn through good and bad experiences (which can definitely not demoralize us).

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